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At BaluDog Gaming , we offer you unique game play in order for you to experience the best that SCUM has to offer. We offer both PvP and PvE tailored to all levels of players. Join us!
50slots No Cheaters, No BugUsers! No admin players! Asia blocked! No Donate! Only 12 rules* Free PvP, KoS Default Building Mines use only flag aerea Mech ON Unique in game and Discord SCUM_Bot System!
[TH] BEACHᆞHard Core PVPᆞdiscord.gg/beach7
PvP with PvE custom zones, 1.5x LOOTS! custom LOOTS zones, Bot shop, Admin created Events during the week, GREAT friendly community
Dive into a seasonal, story-driven world where TEC-1 pulls the strings. Navigate Red Zones with high-tier loot, tackle immersive quests, and engage in a hardcore RP environment like never before.
First Rate PvP Server with small PvE areas
RP/PVE/PVP. PVP is setup to be initiated on not allowed to just snipe with no RP interactions. See our current fandom site for more information.
Minimal rules, Fight to survive. 2x Loot - Mechs : ON - Bot Shop : NO - Fatigue : OFF - Lock zappers : 2x - 24/7 Raiding with Free Raid Warning - Vanilla build settings : ON - C2...
The two main points of focus for me when setting up this server was to create a relaxed, fun environment, and an economy that promotes long term gameplay.