We list here the latest Scum servers by date of registration on the ranking. They are ranked from the most recent to the oldest.
PvE & PvP with no restrictive zones! Be a civilian, run a business, or join faction warfare. Your actions shape Absolom—make allies, enemies, or face assassination! Join us & forge your...
Join Eternal Sanctum – Bringing an old server back to life with Experience challenging PVE|Extra Zombies|Increased Hordes|Mechs|Increased Loot|Custom Loot|Bot Shop|Admin Events. Come be apart...
Loot PVE: x 1.5 ◉ Loot PVP: x 3 ◉ Puppet damage: x 5.0 ◉ Player vs player damage: x 0.5 ◉ Mechs: OFF ◉ Dropships: OFF ◉ No permadeath ◉ Ground spawn ◉ Very limited trades Theft &...
An Immersive and "Outside the Box" approach to SCUM Role Play. Come join in a faction and take your chance at reigning supreme over the resources of the island. Engage in an ongoing narrative and...
Test Short Description
fun active pvp server
fun and active pvp
fun pvp with great people
fun and active pvp server with great people